Oriental Dragon Cargo L.L.C is a leading shipping and logistics company with a global presence. With a strong reputation for excellence and reliability, we provide a comprehensive range of cargo solutions to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From small businesses to large corporations, we are committed to delivering efficient and cost-effective logistics services that ensure timely and secure delivery of goods across various industries.

At Oriental Dragon Cargo L.L.C , we understand the importance of reliable and streamlined shipping services for businesses of all sizes. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing customized solutions tailored to the specific requirements of each client. We offer a wide range of services, including freight forwarding, warehousing, customs clearance, transportation management, and supply chain consulting.


1) Air freight, sea freight agency food customs clearance business, seafood, various fresh fish shellfish, dried fruit, fruit and frozen poultry, currently acting as a long-term agent for the customs clearance business of chestnut, apple, black tea, green tea, and puffer fish.
2) Temporary import business of exhibits in domestic exhibitions.

1)空运、海运代理食品清关业务、海鲜、各种鲜鱼贝类、干果、水果及冷冻家禽,目前长期代理板栗、苹果、红茶、绿茶的清关业务 茶,还有河豚鱼。

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